Sometimes nasa tells the truth. 🤷
Airplanes fly between °2 and °5 nose UP to maintain altitude during a straight and level flight..
Pilots can use an attitude indicator to maintain straight and level flight, which should show the nose of the plane pitched up at about 2°. The wings should also be level with the horizon.
Pilots can also use the mnemonic LAI to maintain straight and level flight:
Lookout: L Scan 20° left and right for 2 seconds, passing over the nose of the plane
Attitude: A Ensure the plane's attitude is correct and constant relative to the horizon
Instruments: I Use instruments to confirm accurate flight, but don't set them
Pilots can also use visual references to maintain straight flight, such as fields, towns, lakes, or distant clouds. They can fly the plane's nose along an imaginary line formed by these points, or parallel or perpendicular to roads and section lines on the ground.
In other words the earth I'd flat.
Air-plane.... GET IT?